Fast Logistics - Logistic Company
Business Financing & Cashflow ━━━━━ 2021

Bizsquare always think out of the box for unique solution rather than looking at only a single financing option to optimise growth via a wide range of options.

Due to a lack of credit history, and being a very young business (Less than 1 year business), a logistics company sought help from BIZSQUARE after being declined by multiple banks to finance a purchase a 2nd hand Van.

Through strategic advice and case presentation, BIZSQUARE highlighted the strong repayment ability of the logistics company to the bank, and how the hire purchase would have a positive impact on its financial growth. BIZSQUARE is not tied to a single funder or financing product; instead, BIZSQUARE helped the company access multiple funding options at once to maximise the outcome and reduce time spent on obtaining a suitable fund.


After mitigating the case to funders, the company was able to obtain financing to purchase the van, as well as additional working capital to boost the business functions. As an effective intermediary between funders and clients, BIZSQUARE is capable of optimize the chances of the SME getting the loan and customise only the most suitable solution for clients.
Fostered growth with the right financing solution
Strategic problem-solving tactics
Efficient process, positive outcome